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Dynamically create ADP and ADP type based on the configuration data

edited Dec 14, 2022 4:50PM in Visual Builder 2 comments


Hello Experts,

I have a requirement as below,

  1. Call REST API to show the list of values of the configurations - DONE
  2. Add value change listener to the lov (combo-box), and call another REST API to get the configuration data which provides the list of columns and their corresponding data types - date, string, number, etc. And show them in the oj-table - DONE
  3. Now, not sure on how to add the ADP variable and also the ADP variable's type to the oj-table dynamically - BECAUSE - the number of columns and their column data types keep on changing based on the configuration user selects from the LOV (from REST API response based on the configuration selected)

Howdy, Stranger!

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