Not able to get the values in Hybrid BSO (Freeform) using @calcmgrSLMember for multiple dyn parent
Not able to get the values in Hybrid BSO (Freeform) using @calcmgrSLMember for multiple dynamic parent
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we are trying to make the code dynamic based on the smartlist value which can contain parent members as well using @calcmgrslmember function as well as HSP_ID_**** approach.
When we use it against two dynamic calc parents it doesnt work
@calmgrslmember("product"->"BegBalance")->@calmgrslmember("Account"->"BegBalance") it return #Missing if the smartlist values are parents
however if we hard code like below
"Category 1"->"Total Sales" it works and does return the value.
How do we make the @calmgrslmember("product"->"BegBalance")->@calmgrslmember("Account"->"BegBalance") code run?