Requirement- Need to enable Special 457(b) Catch-Up Contribution (Pretax Deduction) -Payroll US
When trying to enable the Special 457 (b) Catchup contribution, We can't see the special catchup name in the run results!
Content (required):
We tried enabling the special 457(b) Catch-Up Contribution for the Deferred Compensation 457 element we use. Several testing were made to enable it, one among is by adding this Employee eligible for special 457 b contribution limit to the persons benefits and pensions calculation card along with several limits, for this we are getting message in payroll run as the employee is elected to take special 457 b catchup contribution, but we can't see the special catchup name in the run results! Though we are getting the standard catchup contribution in the run results. Intention is to get the Special 457(b) catchup contribution results enabled for the eligible employees.