Need to change this condition under journal line rule
Hi, all I need to change this condition =
"Automatic Offsets Value" = All segments, except natural account 'And' ( "Invoice Type" = Standard 'Or' "Invoice Type" = Mixed 'Or' "Invoice Type" = Withholding tax 'Or' "Invoice Type" = PO price adjustment 'Or' "Invoice Type" = Expense report 'Or' "Invoice Type" = Payment request 'Or' "Invoice Type" = Retainage release ) 'And' "Self-Assessed Tax Indicator" != Yes
Need to include the natural account " All segments, except natural account 'And' " that is because we need to change the account value according of the currency if I delete all conditions when invoice was created 2 line of liability I need one but the account value need to be specific according of the currency entered