Groovy Business Rule - crossDimCell across Multiple Dimension Members (Account and Scenario)
We are attempting to use Groovy to assist with custom validation rules to run prior to save on forms in our application. However, the form in question uses the same account member across different scenarios, so only having one member name slot to call in crossDimCell is presenting a challenge. I need to focus on a specific combination of account and scenario rather than just focusing on a single account or a single scenario.
Content (required):
Suppose there is a simplified form where there are three columns - the first on Scenario "ABC" and Account "001". The second column is on Scenario "DEF" and Account "Adjustment_Account", and the third column is Scenario "DEF" and Account "001". Only the middle column ("Adjustment_Account") is open for input by users, and the first and third columns are for reference only.