Expand Route Instruction Functionality
Develop RI logic based on cubed OBLPN and for Non-Con itemsContent
In a DC that houses a lot of SKU's and where new SKU's are taken on at a great rate, it is difficult to maintain 100% SKU accuracy. This causes items incorrectly unflagged for conveyable to live in areas that houses conveyable items that require Route Instructions (RI). We thus need the system to generate RI's irrespective of whether a LPN contains a Non-Con item. This can be a flag that could be ticked to allow for generation of RI's for Non-Conveyable items.
Also, the detail logic of RI config is very limited with not a lot of variables to alter to determine where LPNs should be routed. We want to have the ability to route LPN's based on whether the whole contents cubed together are in an LPN. This makes sense, as the cubed portion is what you want to consolidate in the final OBLPN. SR 3-16660439628 was created for this.