OCI: Can Existing Users in New OCI Instances be Removed?
in Linux
Applies to:
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later
Linux x86-64
New OCI instance has a number of users present in /etc/passwd file, e.g.:
bin daemon adm lp sync shutdown halt mail operator games ftp nobody systemd-network dbus polkitd libstoragemgmt rpc abrt rpcuser nfsnobody sshd postfix chrony ntp tcpdump oracle-cloud-agent oracle-cloud-agent-updater ocarun opc
(actual users may vary across different distributions and different releases)
Can these users be removed from Linux?
Linux users present at the time of the instance creation should not be removed.
Doing so may stop the instance from working properly, prevent access to the instance and cause any number of unexpected problems.