How to use Skip Rule in BPM approval?
Auto reject if the amount of BPA/CPA exceeds the amount of the contract they are made from
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For example, we want to auto reject if the amount of BPA/CPA exceeds the amount of the contract they are made from. How can I do that?
orcl:query-database(concat('select nvl(okh.AGREEMENT_AMT_LIMIT,0) amt from po_headers_all pha,OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B okh where 1=1 and pha.attribute5 = okh.contract_number and pha.po_header_id = ',/task:task/task :payload/ns0:findPurchasingDocumentHeaderResponse/ns0:result/ns7:PoHeaderId), true(), true(),'jdbc/ApplicationDBDS') >= /task:task/task:payload/ns0:findPurchasingDocumentHeaderResponse/ns0:result/ns7 :AgreementAmount