Category 152-2
Discussion List
Need to disable the change order communication email only for RequestorThere is a business requirement where all change order emails are currently being routed to the requestors. We need to stop this and ensure that only specific individual…
Why is the Quantity on the Purchase Order Schedule tab not cleared when a PO Line is cancelled?Summary: When a PO Line is cancelled in Oracle Procurement Cloud, Purchasing > Manage Orders, the Quantity is set to zero on the Lines and Distributions tabs. However, t…
Unable to generate multiple PO-Print Output (PDF) from schedule process screenSummary: Unable to generate multiple PO-Print Output (PDF) from schedule process screen after running ESS Job 'Communicate Purchasing Documents' When we select Document …
Need to include what changed on the PO change order in the BPM notificationSummary: Hi, I have a requirement to add what changed in the PO change order in BPM notification. Is there a way to do it? Below screenshot is an example for a cancelled…
Update PO through VBCS (changeordertemplate) is ending in incomplete status.Summary: POchangeorder template is being used to update the bill to location of a PO. The location is getting updated but when the process is complete the change order i…
Firstresonder not apply to an approval groupSummary: trying to create new approval rule where 3 managers in an approval group and we want first responder to approve Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
Problem sending emails to certain suppliers from approved POsSummary: Problem sending emails to certain suppliers from approved POs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Question: What is the standard way …
Mass change in PO schedulesSummary: Approve PR with Ex.10 lines with different Organizations Convert PR to PO The PO will be created with organizations which inherited from PR (EX.10 PO lines) It'…
Automating the Anonymization of Contacts for Inactive SuppliersSummary: We need to implement an automated process to anonymize contact information for inactive suppliers in Oracle ERP Cloud. The goal is to ensure that personal detai…
Is it possible to restrict certain fields on purchase from changing while creating change orderSummary: We have a requirement where client wants certain fields on Purchase order to be non-editable. Is it possible to restrict certain fields on purchase from changin…
Conditional formatting of PO Header DFF based on Line DFFSummary: We have an issue where POs with inspections were missed. I would like to address this by popping an indicator in the PO header for the presence of Inspection co…
catalog administrator authoringSummary: Could someone help with how can we enable the 'Enable Catalog Administrator Authoring' option in BPA? Would really appreciate if can explain the functionality o…
POs created automatically from PRs released from Planning/Supply Chain Orchestration are not bypassHi Experts!, Purchase orders created automatically from purchase requisitions released from Planning/Supply Chain Orchestration are not automatically approved, they go t…
PO Creation Validation - Match Purchase Requisition Segment 1 with PO Sold-To Legal EntitySummary: When creating a Purchase Order (PO) from a Purchase Requisition (PR), we need to validate a specific Segment 1 field in the Purchase Requisition against the Sol…
How to default conversion rate date in the PO or PR for foreign currencies for previous day?Summary: PO created in foreign currency and rate type is Corporate. While creating the PO or PR, is it possible to have it by default the day previous the creation date …
What does the field supplier order in the PO mean?Summary: In the Purchase order header, there is a new field Supplier Order. What is it used for? Thanks, Eolie Version (include the version you are using, if applicable)…
Purchase Order Event should be triggered from a OIC integration when PO is approved in Oracle FusionThere is a requirement to trigger the ICS integration when a PO gets approved in Cloud ERP. Is it possible? if yes, what should be the filter expressions. Thanks in adva…
Does standard Fusion use Tax Classification Code and Product Category to calculate tax by default?Does standard Fusion use Tax Classification Code and Product Category to calculate tax by default?
Unable to create Invoice for 4 way matched PO on Supplier PortalSummary: We have created 4 way matched Purchase Orders (both expense and Inventory), with match against receipt and Inspection required. Even though we are completing al…Pratyusha Mishra 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MiaM-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to bulk upload Purchase Order Attachments using REST API in Oracle Cloud ERPSummary: How to bulk upload Purchase Order Attachments using REST API in Oracle Cloud ERP Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):…
Why can we create a goods receipt on a canceled line?Summary: Recently we've had a few instances where someone was able to create a goods receipt on a canceled line of a PO. Based on my understanding and what our buyers te…
Attribute Based Planning and Grouping Requistion based on AttributeSummary: We have Planned Orders in Planning that are originated from Sales Orders. Depending on an attribute on the Sales Order the Processing by the Supplier should be …
Prioritize internal transfer to the BPA in SSP Catalog Purchase RequisitionHi Experts! Please your support with the following scenario: We have the item: XMN00150 PLASTIC BAG 26 x 60 x 1.8 This item is set to "purchasable" and "internally trans…
How to see full Project NAME when querying for Projects on the Requisitions screenThe Project NAME is much longer than what is visible when querying the list of values. In our project, we have multiple projects, the names of which are similar for the …
How can i edit a PO in PENDING APPROVAL/REJECTED status using an API?How can i edit a PO in PENDING APPROVAL/REJECTED status using an API?
How to hide the Standard PO Implemented Notification sent to buyer and SupplierSummary: Our Client Requirement for PO Implemented email Notificaiton we have already developed a Custom report and Custom Email to trigger once the PO is created and ap…
Why could we cancel a line with a goods receipt against it?Recently we've had a few instances where someone was able to cancel a line on a PO with a partial or complete goods receipt against it. Based on my understanding and wha…
Question Regarding Tax Calculation Logic via Web Service in Invoice Interface?If an invoice interface via Web Service sends both Tax Classification Code and Product Category together, will the system calculate tax automatically? And which field wi…
Requisition (PR) action edit order permission restrictionHi All, We have a requirement to restrict the Action→Edit Order after the Requisition is approved and associated with a PO, this option allows the requestor to edit the …
Can credit line option be available with PO changes?Summary: It appears purchase orders can only have credit lines when they are initially created but not available for PO changes. Can this option be made available with c…