VBCS service connection fails with 502 bad gateway
Hi ,
VBCS service connection is failing with 502 bad gateway while invoking oracle cloud Rest API for batch billing event creation, when cloud API returns error response payload. When the invocation succeeds the response payload is returned in VBCS.
The rest api works in postman for both success and failure cases.
Rest API url : https://###cloud_instance##/fscmRestApi/resources/
Header details :
Content-Type - application/vnd.oracle.adf.batch+json
Accept - application/json
REST-Framework-Version - 4
Error response in POSTMAN : (Instead of below payload ,VBCS returns 502 bad gateway)
"title": "Bad Request",
"status": "400",
"o:errorDetails": [
"title": "The event wasn't created because an event already exists with this combination of source name and source reference. Correct and create the event again. (PJB-2190425)",