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How to price a sales order based on pricing date(captured as eff) instead of currentdate/ordered/RSD

in Pricing 2 comments

We have a requirement to capture pricing date in cloud as eff. And based on the eff we should be able to price the order

For example:

Price List A-> Item A priced with 100$ from start date: jan 1st 2022 to end date march 1st 2023

Item A priced with 120$ from start date: march 2nd 2023 with open end date

Now if we create an order and pass eff(line level) with a date in past i.e. feb 2nd 2023 with ordered date march 23rd. I should be able to get the prices 100$ based on pricing date set in eff.

If anyone has implemented this solution, please provide the necessary details.

Howdy, Stranger!

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