How to find suppliers that were recently activated from inactive
Summary: A step by step guide to help you find suppliers that have been recently activated from inactive using Supplier Audit
You can set the status of a supplier to inactive by setting the Inactive Date to a date that is not in the future. Suppliers can be made active again by setting Inactive Date to Null or to a date in the future.
Existing Supplier Audit feature allows you to find a list of suppliers that were inactive in the past but were made active again. For example, if you want to find suppliers that are have been activated from inactive every month, you can run an audit report by the end of each month. If you have Internal Supplier Profile Change Management enabled for Organization Details, this should have been reviewed and approved and the steps below are just an additional check to confirm changes are done properly. If you don't have Internal Supplier Profile Change Management enabled, it is probably more important to