Category 150
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in-app notification not appear for usersSummary: Dears, Our client cant find in-app notification , its always shows empty. They need to go inside the BPM to see the notification. Content (please ensure you mas…
Movement request uploading FBDISummary: I would like to inquire if there is a standard spreadsheet or FBDI file available for uploading Movement Requests. This is in response to a client's requirement…
How to provide Supplier Portal access to site level details?Currently, in supplier portal, supplier cannot see Site level information. We want to enable supplier to have access to site level information too. How can that be enabl…
How to segregate supplier profile change requests according to rules defined?Summary: We have 2 rules to approve Supplier profile change requests. One for contacts request and a approver 1 should approve these requests. For Address requests , App…
How to create a supplier for an existing customer party from Saas application? *NO FBDI*Summary: We need to create a supplier for an existing customer using the same Registry ID (party number). We understand there is a solution to achieve the same thing usi…
Seeking help on Redwood Supplier Portal URLSummary: As per 25A Readiness link - The optin- Enable the New Supplier Portal Home Page Experience needs to be enabled. (This is enabled in a 25A instance internal to t…
Query to retrieve all the payment methods associated with the suppliersSummary: I need to retrieve a complete list of existing payment methods associated specifically with suppliers from an Oracle Fusion table. This list will be used as LOV…
Setting Up Project and Workspaces in VB Studio to Extend Next Generation Supplier Registration PagesSummary: In our post Extending the Next Generation Supplier Self-Service Registration Pages, we provided steps using which you can extend the next generation supplier se…Piyush Singh-Oracle 3.6K views 51 comments 5 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Can we trigger email from supplier registration process after approved to internal requesterSummary: Requirement is to trigger email based on DFF value in external redwood supplier registration page after supplier approved to onboard Content (please ensure you …
Populate supplier header DFF based on based on Site Procurement BUSummary: We have a requirement where we want to populate certain Values ('R', 'H' , 'C') in a Supplier header level DFF based on the Site Procurement BU. please find bel…
REDWOOD: DFF size changes in setup and maintenance are not reflecting in redwood pagesHi All, We have updated the size of Text Box DFF in setup and maintenance but it is not reflecting in next gen self service registration pages. Can you please let us kno…
Can DFFs be added as search parameters while doing Supplier Search?We have defined some DFFs at supplier level. We want to use them as search parameters while querying for Supplier(s) in 'Manage Suppliers' screen. How can we utilize DFF…
values are missing in lookup 'JEES_EURO_COUNTRY_CODES'.Summary: We are using lookup 'JEES_EURO_COUNTRY_CODES' in a query to fetch country name from country code. But this lookup does not have values for Country_Code = 'NZ' i…
Customizations in next generation supplier registrationSummary: How to do the following customizations in next generation supplier registration: 1-Change the text color 2-Add company logo 3-Change the background 4-Change the…
How to configure bank account rules for the next-generation self-service supplier registration?Summary: Steps to configure country specific bank account rules for the next-generation self-service supplier registration flow using the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in fo…
Rename a field label - Next Generation Supplier Self-Service RegistrationSummary: Hi, Could someone helps me rename a field label in Suppliers Registration layout? I don't get a place where i can rename Taxpayer Id's label on "supplier's regi…
How to create a Partner from Existing Supplier?Summary: Is there a way to add Party Usage of Partner to the Suppliers in Fusion via FBDI /Webservices/SOAP The Customer is already using Suppliers in Oracle Fusion. Req…Anubha Vijayvergiya-Oracle 6 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Anubha Vijayvergiya-Oracle Supplier Management
How to ensure the budget date on the PO system date and not from requisition's budget date.Summary: We noticed that when a Purchase Order is created from a Requisition, the budget date is defaulted to the budget date on the requisition and NOT the system date.…
Customize for Supplier portal linkWe have created a supplier portal from oracle saas application , we have a link with https:///fndSetup/faces and some alphanumeric data Now we are wanted to change the d…
How to customize or update the text "Place company name here" on the Supplier Portal fusion?Please refer to the screenshot.
Redwood External supplier registration page customization using visual builderSummary: Redwood External supplier registration page customization using visual builder Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Requireme…
Hide item categories linked to products and services from the user raising a Purchase RequisitionHi, We have a requirement that the item categories linked to products and services should only be visible to suppliers and not to the requestor creating the requisition.…
Required Privileges/Roles to View Supplier Site Payment Attributes and Bank AccountsSummary: I have created a custom role to provide users with view-only access to supplier information. However, we are currently unable to view the Bank accounts and paym…
Customize content Email notification "FYI: Supplier Contact User Account for <Company> was created"Summary: When we create the Supplier Portal account for new or existing supplier contact with predefined roles, the Supplier contact receives an email notification with …
How to hide Enter New Supplier Information from RSSPSummary: Currently in our organization we have not given privilege our requestors to create supplier from Classic self service procurement —>Non Catalog request process.…
Redwood New Generation Supplier Registration page in EnglishSummary: Hi all, Could someone please guide me on how I can login to the new external supplier registration page in the 'English' language? In the previous version I use…
Supplier Portal remove the access to see PO Details from View Invoices pageSummary: We want to be able to remove the option to view the PO details from the view Invoices. From the view invoices if they click the PO, the system open the PO infor…Diego Schenquermam 9 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa Carrick - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Next Generation Supplier Registration Extension: Bank Accounts Search Options for 24DSummary: I am currently running into an issue in extending Next Gen Supplier Registration in 24 D. In "Bank Accounts," I would like to be able to search "branches," by u…
Audit report- User field changeSummary: The "User" field in the Audit reports initially displayed the of the person who made the change. Now it only displays Person number. We did not make a change th…
Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration PagesSummary: Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration Pages Content (required): This post explains how to use Visual Builder to extend the new suppli…Piyush Singh-Oracle 14.4K views 248 comments 12 points Most recent by Javier Zakzuk Supplier Management