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Need table name for Person Rate Exceptions after Import Project Rate Schedules and Overrides


We need table name to fetch Person Rate Exceptions information after running Import Project Rate Schedules and Overrides. We have a requirement to develop BI report with the error and warning message after executing Import Project Rate Schedules and Overrides process.

Current Process : Once we run Import Project Rate Schedules and Overrides process in fusion it call another process "Import Project Rate Schedules and Overrides: Generate Report" which have pdf as output and displaying Person Rate Exceptions information along with other information.

Requirement: We need to develop BI report which will fetch exactly same exception information from database table. Analyzed seed report "Import Project Rate Schedules and Overrides: Generate Report" and found a table name PJF_OPEN_XFACE_REPORT. But when we write query on this table, we don't see any data which we are expecting.

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