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Validate already submitted DORS for duplicate submission.
Business Requirement is to validate DOR entry with respect to already approved/pending DORs by the same employee for same DOR type.
Content (required):
We tried using Auto Complete, however getting an error. May be we are not writing the logic correctly.
Exception in expression "oracle.apps.hcm.documentsOfRecord.core.protectedModel.entity.DocumentsOfRecordEO" validation rule "Duplicate_In_Exception_In_Time_and_Attendance" : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : value of year must be greater than 0
at "oracle.apps.hcm.documentsOfRecord.core.protectedModel.entity.DocumentsOfRecordEO" validation rule "Duplicate_In_Exception_In_Time_and_Attendance" line 11
value of year must be greater than 0
Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):