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Security.json anonymous login for android mobile application and/or session timeout

edited Jul 31, 2018 9:06AM in Visual Builder 8 comments


I have set the mobile app to anoymous login but it still requires login, moreover it stops working af


Im building an mobile application that runs on a Zebra TC56 scanner (which runs android).  The application is suppose to alliow anonymous access as per my security.json file (provided below).  Any idea how I work around this?  Although this application is used by internal employees, they are direct labor employees not in our LDAP.  Instead we built a  user validation based off an ADP web service.  These guns will be sitting for 40-50 minutes at a time between uses and this would be a big annoyance.  I am using OIC 18.2.3 in production and 18.3.1 in test


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