External Notifications to Restrict
Summary: Once Notification Mode Enabled, is there a way how to restrict these external notifications with respect to functionality wise, like i wanted to restrict any email notification not to trigger for sales orders to Customers or a PO notification to Suppliers etc. like any profile option to control or any other way to achieve this functionality. Iam aware of the config for the customer and supplier level communication method, looking for any other alternate without changing these config is there an alternate solution?
Content (required): Once Notification Mode Enabled, is there a way how to restrict these external notifications with respect to functionality wise, like i wanted to restrict any email notification not to trigger for sales orders to Customers or a PO notification to Suppliers etc. like any profile option to control or any other way to achieve this functionality. Iam aware of the config for the customer and supplier level communication method, looking for any other alternate without changing these config is there an alternate solution?