Why is the 'Add Assignee' option not supported for Negotiation Approvals?
Actions-> 'Add Assignee' function does not work from the Approval Notification for Negotiation Approvals.
Update on SR: 3-32969335391 : 'Add Assignee' button within Negotiation Approval Notification not working
"It has been confirmed by our Internal Teams that currently Adhoc routing for the Negotiations can only be done in case of future routing where the assignment has still not happened."
Question: If the functionality is not supported, then why is the option visible?
Content (required):
We have a requirement to add approvers from the approval notification window for Negotiation Approvals.
However, when the approver tries to add additional approvers using the 'Add Assignee' action within the notification, they are unable to click on the '+' symbol to add other approvers.