Negotiation Award
Discussion List
Can Subject of a Negotiation Award Approval Bell notification be customized?Content Can Subject of a Negotiation Award Approval Bell notification be customized? Like have supplier name and description? Version Oracle Fusion 13, 19C
RFQ Award Notification to BuyerSummary: RFQ Owner (Buyer) wants to get a RFQ Award Notification along with Supplier Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): This is to ensure the…
Knowledge Article: Award Alternate Lines to Fulfill RequisitionsSummary: When requisitions are processed into negotiations, suppliers may have the option to bid with alternate lines. These alternate lines may be the same item with di…
What and where is the subtask mentioned in negotiation approvals online documentSummary: In Negotiation approval process, there is statement mentioned which conveys about subtask available in negotiation line and based on the line subtask, approvals…
Stop Requisition from returning to buyer pool after negotiationHi, After completing the negotiation, Outcome with BPA or Purchase Orders. The requisitions are returned to buyer pool in the process requisition area for those negotiat…
Split RFQ Award for the same SupplierSummary: We have a Business Requirement wherein the users have received quotations from a vendor and finalized them for the award. However, the business does not want a …
Can we set auto rejection with Message for Negotiation Award ApprovalSummary: To include certain validations for Negotiation Award , We wanted to explore the automatic rejection in Negotiation Award Approval. Similar to PO and Requisition…
Q regarding Flow: Req->RFQ->Award->Contract->PO (using Budgetary Control)Summary For Flow Req->RFQ->Award->Contract->PO, Req is not referenced on PO and therefore is not liquidatedContent I am trying to understand the functionality that is av…
How to remove unused category in the Negotiation Attachment?Summary: How to remove unused category in the Negotiation Attachment? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are…
Roles Needed to Create Contract from NegotiationSummary Is there a way to allow a user to create a contract from a negotiation without marking them as a resource?Content When creating a Negotiation, user needs these r…
Request information notification is not available during RFQ Award approvalSummary: Hi Team, Request information notification is not available during RFQ Award approval at BPM worklist. What is the missing configuration here. Content (please en…
Negotiation award Using Mapping SetsSummary: In 24C, Requisitions and purchase order approval can be modeled based on mapping set based of approval matrix . Can we get similar functionality for negotiation…
How to define Response number for supplier RFQ response?Summary: When supplier create a response through the Supplier Portal, there is a number assigned for each Response. Where can we define the Response number? Content (ple…
How to return back to Manage Approval workflow from BPM workflowSummary: I am facing issues with BPM approval configuration hence thought of to configure the negotiation award approval. Hence let me know how can I get back to FMS app…
How to set up award approval flows based on requirement responses?Hello community, I'm currently facing a requirement where my client requires to manage the award approval flows of a negotiation based on the responses sent by the suppl…
How to hide the "Cancel" button for Approved/Awarded/Completed RFQ based on Negotiation Template?Summary: Customer would like to avoid user from cancellation the Approved, Awarded and Completed RFQ for certain Negotiation Template. Content (please ensure you mask an…
Manage Negotiation: Supplier Transaction HistorySummary: We are trying to create a canvass sheet for the client and we would like to get this supplier information from the Transaction History > Purchase Order (please …
Can we default the RFQ to not require the creation of any purchasing document?Summary: Currently, the only way to control whether the RFQ should not proceed to purchasing document creation is to select the "Complete without creating purchasing doc…
What is the difference between "Reopen Completed Award" and "Reopen Completed Negotiation"?Summary: Inside the RFQ, in what condition can we use "reopen completed award" and what condition can we use "reopen completed negotiation"? And what are the difference …
Unlocking technical scoring on a sealed RFQ is possible?Summary: Unlocking technical scoring on a sealed RFQ is possible? Current status of negotiation in Evaluation in Process: Commercial (Unlocked). Without initiating Next …
Can we auto-trigger the "Complete Award" action for the negotiation?Summary: After the RFQ award is approved, is there any way we can auto-trigger the "Complete Award" action for the negotiation? Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Split Award to different suppliers for the same line against budget enabled requisition line.Hello Guys, In our case, we need to award the quantities for the same line to different suppliers against the negotiation (e.g - Requisition Line Quantity is 100 and we …
Allocations of Negotiation Lines with Requisitions is removed when creating po for alternate lineSummary: when editing the allocations of negotiation lines with requestion for alternate line, the default allocation is removed and i can't link the requistion with the…Inas.Osama 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arindam Bhattacharya - Oracle-Oracle Sourcing
Analyze By Spreadsheet Export is not showing all the Negotiation Response versionSummary: If there are multiple Response version of each individual suppliers participating for an auction or RFQ, all the version response details are not showing in Ana…
How to add internal cost factor or any other cost for analyzing post publishing the negotiationSummary: How to add internal cost factor or any other cost for analyzing post publishing the negotiation. Example: If a response comes with some cost factor which is not…
What steps are needed to change the status of a negotiation in active using the Oracle API?Summary: What steps are required to change the status of an active negotiation using the Oracle ERP API? We can update the header or line-level details if the negotiatio…
Data Retention Policy for Negotiations and ContractsSummary: We are seeking clarification on the data retention policies for negotiations and contracts within the application. We would like to understand: 1. Are negotiati…
customize Negotiation score Spreadsheet (ADFDI File) downloaded from the Negotiation module.Summary: The client is interested in customizing the negotiation score spreadsheet (ADFDI file) that was downloaded from the negotiation module. Kindly inform me if this…
How Suppliers Can View Scores after Unsealing Technical Stage in 2-Stage Negotiation?In 2-Stage Negotiation, after the Technical stage scoring is completed, the expectation is that the suppliers will be able to see the scores after Unsealing of Technical…