Negotiation Award
Discussion List
Create Multiple BPA from Single NegotiationIs there a possibility to create Multiple BPA from Single Negotiation (Same Supplier and Same item)?
Auction status in PON_AUCTION_HEADERS_ALL is showing active even for closed negotiationSummary: We have a requirement to fetch ACTIVE negotiations from Fusion for which we are using AUCTION_STATUS from PON_AUCTION_HEADERS_ALL. These active negotiations sho…
Can we link two same negotiations, one in English and one in French.We are working with a client that needs English and French languages as outcomes and responses from suppliers. Can we link two same negotiations, one in English and one …
Non Disclosure Agreement - How to implement in SourcingSummary Our Client is looking to send the NDA to each supplier before sending them RFPContent Hi, Our client has a requirement that they send NDA to all the suppliers an…
Business has requirement to disqualify multiple line in a supplier single response.Summary: Business has requirement to disqualify multiple line in a supplier single response. Content (required): Hi, Business has requirement to disqualify multiple line…
How to view all the lines responses by suppliers in a single page and export it into an excel?Summary: How to view all the lines responses by suppliers in a single page and export it into an excel? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Cu…
Search or Filter LinesSummary: We create RFQ with 1000 Lines and the process starts from Requisition and it gets converted to RFQ. Once RFQ is published and at the time of award, Business wan…
Is there any idea to split PO from awarded negotiation?Summary: I create negotiation that has multiple lines. Then I award all lines to same supplier. I need to split PO per line when complete award process.but It seems that…
APIs available to Award NegotiationSummary: APIs available to Award Negotiation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, My client has a requirement to Bring the Award De…
How to view 'Notice of Award' PDF ?Summary: We're implementing Sourcing for our client and we want to use the 'Notice of Award' PDF when awarding a Negotiation to a supplier. We've tried using the seeded …
Knowledge Article: Splitting backing requisition lines under budgetary controlBased on the negotiation award decision, the backing requisition lines will be split either if they are awarded to multiple bids or if the allocated quantity is less tha…
supplier not able to take action negotiation from supplier portalSummary: When supplier trying to take action on the negotiation he's not able to action on negotiation and getting below error. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Is there any way to correct lines when in this status, Completed, purchasing document not requestedSummary: We should have removed one line from the award solicitation and don't seem to have the ability to do it at this point. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
How to complete award having prospective suppliersSummary: On a scenario where we are completing an award without creating purchasing documents, system is forcing to convert suppliers that are prospective into authorize…
is it possible to attach a document in Award decision notification email to supplier / BU specific?Summary: is it possible to attach a document in Award decision notification email to supplier ? We a have a document called "Letter of Intent" which need to be attached …
24A - Reopen Award Decision After Negotiation Is Completed (Opt-In)Summary: Hello Oracle, After reopening the completed award phase, what is the next step in selecting another supplier, and how do you surrogate the response for the next…
How to hide the Default Email Address on Award Decision Notification?Hi Team, I was following the instructions of this Oracle docs (…
Manage project tasks and Manage Requirements in RFQ SectionSummary: Hi Oracle, Additional LOV in RFQ Section: Manage Project Task Manage Requirements These options have not been here before. What are these options for? It's not …
Target Date must restrict the team members not to take action after the target dateSummary: Hi, our requirement is that post target date , team members should not able to take action on the assigned tasks Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
How to Validate and Submit Draft Negotiation Response in VBCSSummary: Use case from REST API manual: Create a Negotiation Response You can use the Draft Supplier Negotiations Responses resource to create a supplier response in dra…
Do we have any work around for awarding a amount based requisition line to multiple suppliers?Summary: As confirmed from the SR - 3-34790899871, we are aware that amount based requisition lines cannot be awarded to multiple suppliers. We need to know, if there ar…
Negotiation award approval to be followed by requester and buyer license consumption confirmationSummary: Hello Everyone, We have a requirement where in the negotiations award process the client wants to follow the requester hierarchy so if the negotiation has been …
How/ Where is item, category, supplier, purchase requisition data maintained in sourcing and supplieSummary How/ Where is item, category, supplier, purchase requisition data maintained in sourcing and supplier qualification standalone implementationContent We are imple…
Alert pop-up on RFP/RFQ page when awarded amount exceeds approval amountSummary: Whenever user awards a supplier with amount greater than approval amount, while creating PO buyer receives an error. To avoid this situation, user should receiv…
the bidders that fails the technical stage should not move to commercial stageSummary:For 2-stage tenders (Request for Proposal) the bidders that fails the technical stage should not move to commercial stage and their financial bids should neither…
Can we do automatic multiscoring based on multiple parameters other than pricing in negotiationSummary: Can we do automatic multi-scoring based on multiple parameters other than pricing in negotiation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Can approver view the previous round scores in Award approval notificationAs per Oracle cloud sourcing 24B features, buyer can "View previous round scores" in award analysis page Can approver view scores in previous round scores in Award appro…
Award Negotiation ExportContent Hello, Can we edit Award By Spreadsheet. Is there any report for this? If yes, where we can find the data model for this export. Thanks, Nishanth
How to bring internal notes from scoring team members on the Award Analysis Excel Spreadsheet.Summary: To check how to bring internal notes from scoring team members on the Award Analysis Excel Spreadsheet. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Sourcing - Negotiation Award Supplier Notification QuestionsSummary: Could the award message also send to Buyers? Content (required): Hi Team, As other buyers may want to receive award supplier message, could the notification als…