Negotiation Award
Discussion List
How to override the default Legal entity on the Contract that will be created from the Negotiation?Summary: I have created a Contract when awarding a Negotiation and noticed that the Legal entity of the Contract created will default to the Legal entity that has been d…
Negotiation award approval based on negotiation approval amount fieldOur customer requirement is that Award must be submitted for approval based on negotiation approval amount which comes from Req. If the award amount is greater than the …
Purpose of creating two contract numbers as part of NegotiationSummary Purpose of creating two contract numbers as part of NegotiationContent Hi Guys, Can someone help me understand the purpose of creating two contract numbers as pa…
Custom Negotiation award recommendationSummary: The user wants to define their own evaluation Criteria based on the Requirement Scoring and Pricing from Supplier. They don't want to use the system's Overall R…
Supplier Acknowledged but did not respond to the negotiationSummary: The negotiation was created with three suppliers, out of which two suppliers responded their quotation but one did not. The third supplier acknowledged that the…
Defaulting "Source requisitions from purchasing documents" checkboxHi, We have requirement to default "Source requisitions from purchasing documents" in complete award screen when selecting "Create purchasing documents now". Our sourcin…
Is there is a way to create one purchase documents from multiple responses for the same supplier1-The supplier submit multiple responses for multiple items 2-each response has awarded lines 3-when complete award and create purchase documents the application create …
Unable to create Purchasing document (BPA) for Negotiation processed through RFQSummary: We are trying to create BPA & Contract work Purchasing Agreement from RFQ but we can't create BPA from the RFQ with the attached screenshot error. Content (plea…
Supplier Spend Authorized Request Approvals to be serialSummary We want have a serial approval for Supplier Registration during the RFQ processContent We created a new Prospective Supplier during the Negotiation process, now …
Unable to change the line details in Negotiation from Purchase Requisition(Process Requisition).Unable to change the line details in Negotiation from Purchase Requisition(Process Requisition).
Can we have multiple approval based on sectionsSummary: can we have seperate level approval for different section Like general , Finance, Management etc respective approver can not see the other sections . Content (p…
Searching by supplier product and services to add the supplier in negotiation moduleBased on Oracle document that says that one of the supplier products and services uses is to identify suppliers to invite to sourcing negotiations as bellow screenshot. …
Approval of the negotiation award based on the purchase requisitionSummary Approval of the negotiation award based on the purchase requisitionContent Hello, We need to approve the awards for the negotiations based on the purchase requis…
What are the available seeded PDF reports for Sourcing?Summary: What are the available seeded PDF reports for Sourcing apart from the Buyer PDF and Supplier PDF? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Can we restrict to veiw / evaluate the RFQ based on sectionSummary: Can we restrict to veiw / evaluate the RFQ based on section Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Example there are 3 section in RFQ 1-…
Do Supplier Need to acknowledge for all amendment mandatorily? Can we keep it optional?Summary Do Supplier Need to acknowledge for all amendment mandatorily? Can we keep it optional?Content Do Supplier Need to acknowledge for all amendment mandatorily? Can…
Why every time we need to create different contract with respect to different supplierSummary: We are creating a negotiation document, but while awarding when we are cliking on create contract three different contract reference has been craeted for three …
What is the meaning of Source requisitions from purchase documents flag at Complete Award?Summary: What is the expected behavior when "Source requisitions from purchase documens" is checked at Complete Award? Content (required): We created a purchase requisit…
query to get both negotiation analyze/award and recommended awardSummary: Hi everyone, I want to get both negotiation analyze/award and recommended award. Could you please help me? Regards, Sultan Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Where can the Buyer view the supplier's response amount in the response currency?Summary: The RFQ currency is TWD, and we allow suppliers to respond in either TWD or USD. However, if the supplier responds in USD, the Buyer can only review the respons…
How to award alternate lines and create purchasing documents for themSummary Awarding alternate lines and create purchasing documents for them in a negotiationContent In a negotiation, as a category manager, you can award alternate lines …
what is the functionality of Delete Negotiations?Summary: There is no information in the Oracle.doc related to the functionality of using Delete Negotiations. We want to understand What is the privilege to add the role…
Inquiry About Modifying Commercial Stage After Technical Evaluation in Oracle Fusion SourcingI am currently working with Oracle Fusion Sourcing and have encountered a situation where I need to upload a revised commercial proposal that includes a discount. Howeve…
Can we have individual evaluation criteria for different items in a single negotiation?Summary: The customer is trying to create a single negotiation combining different lines from different requisitions. They are trying to have individual evaluation crite…
Summary of response amount submitted by supplier in various rounds created in NegotiationSummary: Summary of response amount submitted by supplier in various rounds created in Negotiation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): User is…
Where the price break in the response line is stored?Summary: If the supplier add a price break in the response of negotation, the award negotation does not show this discount which table stores this information? Content (…
how to retrieve the contract information starting from the negotiation award in pl/sql query?Hi , I must to extract the information on the award negotiation process. In particulary I want to extract the fields highlighted in the attached screenshots of the award…
Add additional line with negative amount against the particular supplier response before awardingSummary: Buyer needs to add additional line with negative amount against the particular supplier response Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Buyer needs to edit the award amount while awarding negotiationSummary: Buyer needs to edit the award amount while awarding negotiation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): User is asking the requirement th…
Is it possible to reuse an awarded Negotiation after Cancelling a PO?Summary Negotiation reuse after cancelling a purchase order associated with itContent Purchasing department personnel generally ask about the possibility of reusing an a…