ARCS - Transaction Matching Issue and Use of Reconciliation Compliance
ARCS - Transaction Matching Issue and Use of Reconciliation ComplianceContent
Working on an ARCS implementation and have a couple of questions:
- In Transaction Matching, I've been doing some testing of the matching rules (between 2 sources):
1. Match "1 to Many" - I've loaded 1 transaction from source 1 and several transactions from source 2. Rule states exact match on balancing attribute and also perfect match on another field (description) - works perfectly when my transactions files are just including the transactions to be matched (ie. 1 transaction in file from source 1, matching with the 5 transactions loaded from source 2)
2. Have then deleted all these transactions and reloaded the same 1 transaction from source 1 (no change at all), and loaded the same 5 transactions from source 2 + 1 extra transaction, with a different amount but same description - ran the automatch process and no suggested match at all this time.