FCCS_110 rule to load 0 in place of #missing
Need to write a config consol rule to replace #missing values with 0
Content (required):
DSO application. I'm running into a variant of the issue where an account goes to 0 and is subsequently not loaded to FCC, causing the periodic calculation to not occur and YTD to not go to 0. I would like to use configurable consol rule 110 to load "hard zeroes" to those intersections in order to trigger the periodic calculation. I load BS to ClosingBalance_Input and P&L to FCCS_Mvmts_NetIncome, so would need additional logic to handle that (the auto-reversal works for the BS since I load Replace, ClosingBalance_Input, YTD_Input, but that won't work for the P&L). So, essentially I want the rule to say: