Data differences after moving entities to new parent – FCCS_CTA system account
FCCS version 23.05.70
We moved EURO currency base entity members from a GBP entity parent TO newly created EURO entity parent and loaded metadata using ‘clear method’ to remove entities under old entity parent to view data under new entity parent...
Followed below steps:
-Unlocked ALL prior periods/years
-Synchronized Approvals Unit for new entity parent
-Update Consolidation Ownership % for new Parent and base entities moved [all are 100% owned]
-Recomputed Consolidation Ownership % data
-Consolidation Ownership % Data copied to next financial years
-Consolidation run for ALL prior periods/years
-Validate data after changes between environments ie Development / Production
Data validation has discrepancies generated by the FCCS_CTA system account from 1st period/year – this same variance is constant up to our current period/year.