OSMH: Difference in package count between OSMH Installed packages and Oracle Linux Operating System
Applies to:
OSMH On-Prem
On an Instance registered with OS Management Hub (OSMH), the package count displayed on the OSMH console is different between the package count displayed the Oracle Linux Operating System.
In this case, the Oracle Linux OS shows count of 1422 installed packages
$sudo dnf list --installed | wc -l 1422 $ rpm -qa | wc -l 1422
The OSMH console shows a count of 1421 installed packages
This is due to the additional package "gpg-pubkey" installed on the operating system.
$ rpm -qa | grep gpg-pubkey gpg-pubkey-ad986da3-5cabf60d
This is not an issue. The gpg-pubkey packages are 'pseudo-rpms' that are created on instances and do not reside in any software source (this is true for standard Yum/DNF as well as OSMH). These packages are used to store and manage the rpm keys.