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R13 - Evaluate Absences Process is Rounding Up Durations which include Half Days
R13 - Evaluate Absences Process is Rounding Up Durations which include Half DaysContent
Have you tried running the Evaluate Absences process in Release 13 (either Update 18A or 18B) for an Employee whose absence includes a 1/2 Day Duration? If you have run the process I have found the Duration of the Absence is rounded up? E.g. if an Employee has taken 1 1/2 Days or a 1/2 Day etc. the process rounds up the Duration; i.e. 1 1/2 Days is rounded to 2 Days, 1/2 Day is rounded to 1 Day. This means Employees Absences look incorrect but their Balance is not affected.
I have raised an SR but Support don't appear to have replicated the issue and have asked an internal question. Of course, we can't wait too long for the issue to be resolved; therefore, I thought I'd post the question just to see if anyone else is experiencing the issue.