Absence Management
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How can we add Cities in Geography HierarchySummary: Usually we have public holidays by country (Canada) or at the province level e.g. Alberta, Quebec etc. Our client has a requirement on some Public holidays is t…
Validation fast formula the error should triggered when exceed 20 hrsSummary: We developed a validation fast formula for our new absences plan, but during testing, we encountered an issue. When attempting to apply for leave for an eligibl…
How to update Used balance in qualification plan based on the applied leaveCreated a Sick Leave Qualification plan Type . Participation Evaluate remaining entitlement without absence record but i cannot see the used leave balance. Not sure what…
Accrual Balance mismatch - QueryHi All, Several employees have a balance discrepancy between the plan level and the accrual level. Is there a query available to retrieve this information and identify t…Saurav R-Oracle 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
System allows Absence Type Entry without existing PlanSummary: We have two absence types behaving differently with respect to absence recoding error messages even though the configurations look the same Content (please ensu…Sundar Krishna 20 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Unable to end date/make inactive Annual Leave planSummary: Unable to end date/make inactive Annual Leave plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello We have a number of Annual Leave plans w…
Absence Rollover get balance issuesHello, Our absence balance rollover formula seems to be incorrectly grabbing the balance of our sick frozen plan. Instead of grabbing that plans balance it is grabbing t…
unable to inactive absence plan even after deleted all leave history and enrollment for all employeeSummary: unable to inactive absence plan even after deleted all leave history and enrollment for all employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…MonaliSakhare 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nirmala Vijayakumar-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How to arrange absence reasons alphabetically on employee add absence redwood pageSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, How to arrange absence reasons alphabetically on employee add absence redwood page ? Thank yo…
16 day rotating shift pattern not working correctlySummary: Hi, I need to create a rotating shift with 2 days 2 nights , 2 days off, 2 days, 2 nights and 6 days off. This will be 16 day pattern starting sunday. I have us…
Unable to change the quantity from 8 Hours to Zero in time card using Time Change RequestSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to delete the time entry hours using time change request. But this looks like a bug and will be fixed in 25B, as a workaround we are t…
AbsenceSummary: Absence Administration Page when be migrated to Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are migrating to Redwood, in Absence M…
What Groovy Expression can I use to get the Person IDs? IDs only for assignments with active statusSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What Groovy Expression can I use to get the Person IDs? IDs only for assignments with active stat…
25A Absence Cases - Atom Feeds servlet url Collections of Absence Cases25A Absence Cases - Atom Feeds servlet url Collections of Absence Cases. We are planning to collect the absence cases using the ATOM feeds but so far we could not trigge…
24B- Absence:Atom Feed and Event Support for Absence CasesSummary: Hai Folks, Please help me in understanding this feature in 24B. Atom Feed and Event Support for Absence Cases Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
25A Patch Absence Plan 'Too many matching records found'Summary: After the 25A patch was applied to our lower pods, we can no longer enter retro absences. When reviewing the Absence Plan configuration, upon navigation to the …
Can we enable absence for suspended assignment after Global temporary transfer?Hello Team, We'd like to setup our Absence Plan and type so that when a worker is on a temporary Global Transfer, which sets the source assignment to status 'Suspended',…
Absence-Negative Balance when Plan Neg Bal not chk & Type Insufficient balance enforcement enabledSummary: Absence-Negative Balance Allowed even when on the Absence Plan the Negative Balance allowed is not checked and Absence Type Insufficient balance enforcement ena…
ESS Absence entry page displays Star time instead of Start duration for December absencesSummary: when submit an absence before December month dates Start date and Duration & End date & Duration showing but when select dates in December month Start date& Tim…chandraobulreddy bogireddy 3 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rakesh2407 Workforce Management
Can we give access to employee to maintain their own work scheduleIs it possible to give edit access to employee for their work schedule so that they will be responsible for maintaining it. Regards Saket
Difference between Privileges maintain absence records and manage absence recordsSummary: What is the difference between below privileges in Human Resource Analyst Role: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include …
leave request, user did not receive any notification for the submission.Summary: When user submits a leave request, user did not receive any notification for the submission. Please advise what to enabled to get an email alert when the reques…
The selected absence plan doesn't have sufficient balance error in timecardSummary: The selected absence plan doesn't have sufficient balance error in timecard when editing submitted/approved/rejected timecards Content (please ensure you mask a…Geetha Keerthi Sagar 63 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Choudhary Punit Workforce Management
The combination of unique key to row already exists. You must add a new row. (FND-2905)Summary: TI am trying to do an enrollment for an EFF so employee can find the absence type during time entry, but it's throwing an error due to the same type being visib…
REDWOOD Time Card - "Calculated Time" missing time type label for all types other than Regular TimeSummary: We are testing time& labor and absence modules, adding time to new time cards and seeing that time labels other than "Regular Time" are not showing in the "View…volpeke1 52 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mukesh_Kumar_Oracle-Oracle Workforce Management
Donation request approved, but still showing awaiting approvalSummary: Donation was submitted in April 2024, approved in November 2024 (confirmed it was approved in transaction console). But when viewing the donor's absence managem…
Absence duration not added in the accrual absence planSummary: We have a scenario where, when an employee logs an absence, the hours duration of that absence will be added to the accrual plan given that the absence is appro…
How to change absence type UOM from Days to Calendar Days.Summary: We need to change the absence type UOM from Days to Calendar Days but if we try to change it is non editable so we would want to know any other ways for this. C…
Retroactive changes in an absence typeWe changed the entry rule to disable entries on non working days, date effective: Jan 1 2025. What will happen to those entries made before this change? Ex. Employee log…
Calendar event(public holidays) not working as expectedSystem is throwing error if we apply Absence Type "DE Annual Leave" on Public Holiday System is not throwing error if we apply Absence Type "AT Annual Leave" on Public H…Rama Krishna Annam 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vikas Kumar Thakur-Oracle Workforce Management