Absence Management
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Unable to view redwood pages after turning on profile option for absence balanceSummary: Hi There, I m researching on scope of redwood UI for my organization and after following the steps given in the Doc Redwood_Pages_with_Profile_Options_for_23B_-…
Multiple Notifications get triggered at end users end when absence is approvedSummary: Hi Team, On Production, Since we have parallel approvals in the Absence notification for one geo for specific leave types viz Maternity Leave, hence as per the …
Multiple notifications go to employee when absences are approvedSummary:Once Employee apply for the leave and notification will be triggered to linemanager for approval, once manager approves the Leave, Employee is receiving multiple…
Childbreast AbsenceSummary: We have a request from the client to give a permission for new mums for only one hour to breast a baby if it will be from 9 to 10 Am or it will be from 4 to 5 P…
EL Expression Based on Person TypeHi, We received a request from the business to display a comment (HTML markup) for certain absence request type. The comment should vary based on the person's type (e.g.…
Leave Duration is not Calculating correctly when employee is assigned a shift spread across nxt dayHi, Need help in resolving the absence duration calculation for employees assigned to the shift which spread across to Next Day Leave Type: Annual Leave UOM : DAYS Sched…
How to restrict Holiday entry in timecard for interns and Part-Time No BenefitsSummary: We need to restrict Holiday entries in timecard for Intern and Assignment category (Part-Time No benefits) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Notification do have the absence reason and condition start dateSummary: Dear Team, We have created absence type with pattern as illness/injury where we keep reason as disable and disable the feature called condition start date. Howe…
Unable to create a Work Pattern Template in workforce scheduling?Summary: Unable to create a Work Pattern Template in workforce scheduling Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unable to create a Work Pattern …
Public Holiday on a non schedule working dayWe are now in 25A for our Absence Management, and it has an update regarding the Calendar Enhancements that we need. We need to display all the Calendar Events or Public…
Restrict an Absence plan to 8 hours irrespective of their work schedule or assignment working hoursNeed to update an absence plan so that employee can able to book only 8hours per day. Currently the hours are picking up based on work schedule . But for One particular …
Can timecard project information be created from an absence entry?Summary Automating timecard entry from absence dataContent The business is looking for a solution that will take an absence entry after approval and use that information…
How to add the Half Day Option field into the Absence Planning page for display?May I know how to add the Half Day Option field (i.e. First Half/Second Half) into the Absence Planning page for display? Checked in Visual Builder, this field is not av…
Make the range of absence time visible for editing purposesSummary: When entering a block of time say 40 hours and you want to see the days within the range or in between the start and stop time how can that be achieved? Ex. I w…Andrea Hernandez-Sinclair 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Naveen B-Oracle Workforce Management
Sick and safe leave plan configuration for US statesSummary: US legislative(states/cities/counties) Sick and safe leave plan configuration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, To implement Si…
Managing differing sick leave rules in US states, cities and countiesSummary What is the best method for managing differing sick leave rules between multiple US jurisdictionsContent We have employees in many different locations across the…User_2025-02-03-21-27-51-993 71 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Sydney_Flahive Workforce Management
HCM Payroll LOA entitlement entries are deleted on calculation card - Terminated EmployeesSummary: Question HCM Payroll LOA entitlement entries are deleted on calculation card - Terminated Employees Actual Behavior LOA entitlement entries are deleted on calcu…
How to recalculate absence accrualsHello, For Oracle cloud absence management, we are required to calculate accruals until the end of the year since projected formulas cannot be used in fast formula. Howe…
Absence Discretionary Disbursement fast formulaSummary: Fast formula for Discretionary Disbursement restricted to some location. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We have client …Ankita Choudheri 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Barbara Fox -Oracle Workforce Management
Publicholidays were considering as working day when applying leave(After enabled Redwood Timecard)Summary: We are testing Time&Labor in Lower instance, where all the setup looks correct like public holidays,Workschedules,when we apply a leave from admin/responsive pa…Tirumalasetti Vasanthi 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tirumalasetti Vasanthi Workforce Management
Fast formula to prevent employee from tacking more than 120 day the plan term rolling backwardSummary: We have a requirement to set validation for sick leave to prevent employee from tacking more than 120 days sick leave where the plan term rolling backward which…
Absence Plan- carry over expire after specific time - Setup is done as expiry as 3 Months -Summary: We have Jan 31-12-23 unutilized balance of 3 days for a staff, it got carried over to 01-01-2024. We have setup expiry rule as 3 months, but employee applied le…
Workforce Management - flexfields visibilitySummary: Claro Guatemala is having issues with flexfields when migrating Absences screens. The issue is those fields were hidden in classic screens but once in Redwood, …Felipe Matallana-Oracle 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Barbara Fox -Oracle Workforce Management
Future Date Absence Plan Enrollment is going under Inactive StatusSummary: Hello Experts, I am facing an issue while enrolling Absence Plan to an Employee. The Enrollment Start Date is 1/1/2025, where the enrolled plan status is going …
Query Regarding Daily Accrual for Australia Annual LeaveDear Team, Can we have accruals calculated on a daily basis? I understand that Oracle currently doesn't support daily accruals, but is there any plan to include this fun…Vikas Kumar Thakur-Oracle 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Barbara Fox -Oracle Workforce Management
Update Accrual Plan Enrollments vs accrual plan enrollment using hdlSummary: Therse is 2 options to load workers enrollment Update Accrual Plan Enrollments ess process accrual plan enrollment using HDL We want to load enrollment using HD…
Why are absences being automatically withdrawn by the system?We are receiving more frequent reports of absences being automatically withdrawn by the system. This is just one example from a supervisor: My employee submits vacation …
Manager cannot see any direct reports when they try to Add Absence or Add Time CardSummary: When Manager tries to add an absence or Time card navigating via My Team > Show More > Absences > Add Absence or My team > Show More > Time > “Add Current Time …
What is the impact of changing the default value in Balance as of Date listSummary: What is the impact of changing the Balance Calculation Date within Configure Absence Batch Parameters? Content Hello, 'Current Date' is the default value shown …
restrict Team Schedule icon visibility for Line ManagersSummary: Client wants team schedule icon to be visibile to Line Managers and Admins only under 'Me' or 'My Client Groups'. Employees should not be able to see it under '…