Absence Management
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Issue with OTBI reports for enabling Redwood for Absences and OTLSummary: One of our BI reports has started failing after we turned on Redwood for absences and OTL . The issue is not consistent accross different environments but some …
Absence-Negative Balance when Plan Neg Bal not chk & Type Insufficient balance enforcement enabledSummary: Absence-Negative Balance Allowed even when on the Absence Plan the Negative Balance allowed is not checked and Absence Type Insufficient balance enforcement ena…
Absence plans UOM and payroll processingSummary Transferring absence information to payroll when plan has a UOM in weeksContent Hi, We want to track an absence plan in weeks and transfer the information to pay…
how do I amend the field balance as at today field in RedwoodSummary: I am currently working to deploye Redwood absence. When we have reviewed the new UI for Add absence there has been a small change in the presentation of the bal…
How to inactivate the absence plans and types.Summary: Effective from 01-Feb-2025 we don't want to use absence module for one existing country which is having absence plans and types from long back so I would want t…
How to stop accruals for the terminated employees?We scheduled calculating accruals every month. If the employee is terminated, it should not accrue for the terminated employees. How to stop accruing for the terminated …Anil Sangwan 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gourav Shrivastava-Oracle Workforce Management
Negative Balances are Being Carried Over to the Following YearDear Oracle Expert Team, We have encountered an issue with the absence process in our system. Specifically, we have noticed that negative balances are being carried over…Mohamed Yousif Mohamed Gadalla 123 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by AmeerHasan Workforce Management
What is workforce scheduling.?Summary: What is work force scheduling in oracle and how it is different from work schedule assignments. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): w…
Workforce Scheduling QuestionsSummary: Hello, I am looking to understand more about workforce scheduling and how it connects to Absence and Time and Labor. Does anyway have answers or documentation f…
Text box for specific absence type in Add Absence Page?Summary We need to add note in the specific absence type in add absence page of an employee. If an employee select absence type-PTO. We want to see if we could display a…
Applied absence is not getting deducted from the Qualification Plan BalanceAbsence is applied for 8 hours. But it is not getting deducted from the Qualification Plan. In the back end, it is showing as zero hours. Note: Absence type is assigned …Venkata Swamy Naidu Koppula 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Qualification plan balances are not updated after applying absence if plan term is absence durationSummary: We created a qualification plan with plan term as Absence duration, when employee applies absence the duration is not deducting from the plan entitlement. But w…
work from homeSummary: I need some help as per customer need a validation of leave Not occurred over than one day per week so how can I write it down in a formula ? Content (please en…
How to get Balance Details for Qualification Plan with rolling forward on Absence Start DateIs there any delivered report or way to report Balance Details for a Qualification Plan having rolling forward period defined based on Absence Start Date
The yearly calendar viewSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Is it possible to display the current year's calendar, including non-working days, on an empl…
Clawback additional balance in event of termination or loss of eligibilitySummary: Hi, We have a requirement wherein if employee looses eligibility in the middle of the year and has fully taken 5 days (which are frontloaded) of personal leave,…
I'm unable to hide a custom DFF under Additional Info section when adding an absence.Summary: We created a custom Descriptive Flex field (Occurrence Number) under Additional Info Section while Adding an absence. Now, we want to hide this custom Descripti…
Hide line level delete button in Advance Absence Entry pageHi Is it possible to hide the delete button at the line level of Edit Absence page.
SQL query for absence detailsSummary: Under absences, we have requirement where we need the document ID (in case a person has attached a document while submitting absence) and the approver name in t…
Can I control an absence request to only start on a day after a non scheduled day?Summary: In Argentina, they have a rule that only allows an absence to start the days after a non-working day (holiday, weekend, etc.) . In addition, the last day of the…
Time and Labor - Bulk upload of Shift schedule through Spreadsheet loader by Line ManagerSummary: We need to provide bulk upload functionality for shift / roaster update for Line Manager. It will be great if someone can share template and step to do the same…
HCM Event Condition Entity Contract not working - Has anyone got it working for Employment Contract?We are using Employment Contracts to drive some of our Absence Plan eligibility rules for plan enrolment. You can use HCM Event Conditions via the Entity 'Contract' to c…
Plan is getting inactive even after adding manually.Summary: Hi Guys, We are adding the Absence Plan manually for the employees. But for few of the employees the plan is getting inactive after one day . We tried to add ag…
Parental leave rules in GermanyContent We have some complex rules around this type of leave which we are trying to implement in the system. Currently we have the absence plan and type set up without a…
How to enable shift option on Redwood pages for half day AbsenceSummary: There is a Shift Option available on Classic view as HR for half day absence, i.e. , First half or Second half. But field is not available for ESS page. How to …
How to integrate calendar events of elapsed shift to Time and LaborSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We are using Elapsed shifts for Absence Management. So we have created a calendar eve…
How to run Calculate Accruals and Balances process for the next 10 YearsHi All, As part of our absence plan requirements, we need to review the accrual balances for the next 10 years. I ran the "Calculate Accruals and Balances" process, but …Anushka_Weerarathna 20 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Redwood: Multiple Warning Messages When Submitting AbsenceHi, We encountered getting two warning messages when adding absence. One is the custom warning message that we set for employees submitting absence and that requires rep…Joe Ann Dacatimban 19 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Unable to Rephrase "Plan Balance" in Absence Management on Absence BalanceSummary: Absence Management, On absence balance page I am unable to rephrase "Plan Balance". I am using VBCS to rephrased it but haven't found a solution. Content (pleas…Muhammad.Huzaifa 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Future Dated leaves are not getting deducted from the plan balance.Summary: Hi All, We have a requirement to migrate employees of a specific grade from Plan A to Plan B. During testing, we applied a future-dated leave for an employee, b…Nitesh Dubey 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management