execute Data management rule from a Business Rule Groovy
Hi All, im trying to run a data management rule from a business rule using groovy script.
The Data rule is on the Instance A(for Eg) and the business rule is also on the same instance. The DM does pull the data from one more other application.
I have the below groovy script: but i face an error as shown the attached a screenshot.
Any help is much appreciated.
HttpResponse jsonResponse = operation.application.getConnection("DM").post().body(json(["jobType":"DATARULE", "jobName":"WF_to_PBCS_Pull", "startPeriod":"23-Pd07", "endPeriod":"23-Pd07", "importMode":"REPLACE", "exportMode":"REPLACE"])).asString();
boolean pushData = awaitCompletion(jsonResponse, "DM")