How to Fetch Price List Charge Based On Price Adjustment Matrix Condition?
How to Fetch Price List Charge Based On Price Adjustment Matrix Condition?
So if there are multiple price list assigned in a strategy - PL1, PL2, PL3, PL4, PL5 & PL6. PL6 is a default price list with list price and others are pricing contract with a customer that followes a precedance from 1->6. Say in price lists PL3, PL4 & PL5 price list there is a price adjustment matrix which has Condition "customer = 'XXXX'" & Result Column "Adjustment type= 'Price override'", "Adjustment amount= '120$'".
Order entered for Customer = 'XXXX' then the charges fetched in sales order must be from either PL3, PL4, PL5 & PL6(This is a default price list if no charge is found in PL1, PL2, PL3 & PL4)