Growing concern the last couple weeks of Eloqua stability
Wanted to see if others are experiencing.
July 1 there was apparently an incident affecting where entites stuck in app cloud steps did not move forward. there was no error, they just stayed in the app cloud step. Oracle has confirmed in SR about this, but there has been zero notice that i have seen to contact their customers to check all the app cloud programs
July 10 - i saw another indication of entities stuck in an app cloud step. no erors, no nothing. from several days ago
Today - I'm seeing datacards stuck in program steps, with an entry time of July 8 and no "wait until" time. This looks to coincide with the emergency maintenace i was notified for July 8. There's no telling how many of my programs / campaigns may be affected. Entities just in steps without wait times, i.e. nothing indicating they are even looking to "do anything" in the step.