Task Payload (PCS/OIC) doesnt work in ICS
When I trigger an endpoint such as /ic/api/process/v1/tasks/200002/payload I can get back either an XML or JSON response. However, my form is built off a business object, and that business object has several child objects. Therefore the JSON looks like
claimLineNumber: null,
invoiceNumber: "1754704",
lineAmount: 806.2,
lineTotal: 806.2,
partNumber: "sdfaasss",
productType: "128",
quantity: 1,
reasonCode: null,
serialNumber: "1804232232320740"
This throws an error when I use it as the response payload. Also, the xml throws an error and so does the XSD I get from the export of the EXP. I'm sure someone has encountered this before?