Discussion List
Invoke OIC Integration from Fusion/ESS JobSummary: Invoke OIC Integration from Fusion/ESS Job Content (required): Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to invoke/run an OIC Integration directly from Oracle F…
OPA notify activity email template is not populating the data when email is sentSummary: Hi Experts I'm using template feature to send email using notify activity in OPA but the email is sent without data getting populated, only the label is printed…
Getting 406 error while calling oracle pcs rest api for retriving attachment as streamSummary: Hi Everyone, Getting 406 error while calling oracle pcs rest api for retriving attachment as stream(response type is stream) Error: Not Acceptable.The 406 Not A…
Can we disable Integration and Process' End User interfaces?Summary: We built a process application and integrations, but want our customer's end users to only interact with them using our webapp that sends REST API calls to the …
Upload Document OPA REST API with Multipart/Form-DataSummary: I have made an Integration in OIC, which capture data from my PaaS Tables. Attachments are uploaded as BLOB, and my integration has extracted those BLOBS from P…
Error An error occurred contact your help desk (FND-2)Summary: Our HR department is receiving this error codes when they go to approve transactions for our document record workflows such as change personal information and m…
OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesSummary OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesContent Hello! We have an app-driven integration that invokes a "Publish to OIC" integration, and a Subscribe integratio…
Is it possible to show a custom task notification on the bell button in SaaS?Summary: Hello, We are creating a custom task with Oracle Process (OPA). We want to display this task notification on the bell button in SaaS and get a response (APPROVA…
OIC Gen3: Configure Email Template (Human Task) in Oracle Process Automation (OPA)Hello, I am defining a new email template in the human task in OPA. But when I run the approval flow, I get two emails. 1)The default template and its content contains t…
How to get the OPA list of tasks using REST API on behalf of aSummary: Hi Experts Is it possible to get the list of tasks assigned to a user using REST API on behalf of a user? like we had in PCS i don't see such authentication met…
Oracle Process Automation (OPA) REST API callSummary: Oracle Process Automation (OPA) REST API call Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I'm trying to create an EFF in oracle proces…
Available quantity item details are not flowing back to OFS from fusion-OIC standard integrationSummary: Hi Team,Can you kindly help on below use case scenario and recommended approach to handle it. Use case: • When parts/items consumed in OFS activity by field tec…Venkata Seshaiah-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by gajendra.pujari-Oracle Integration
Oracle Process Automation (OPA) Error ENGINE-03051Summary: Error while running a process automation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I tried to create a sample OPA using the below Oracle Li…
Unable to send an attachment in the notification Gen3Summary: Unable to send an attachment in the notification Gen3 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unable to send an attachment in the notific…
Is there a way to export out of office setting from Oracle CX Cloud and import it in Oracle PCS?Summary: User's are looking for a option to export the OOO setting that is configured in Oracle CX to be imported in Oracle Gen 2 - Process, please let us know if this p…
in OPA want to proceed ahead if any one approver approves the taskSummary: Hi Experts In OPA if i'm selecting all assignee in parallel then i want the flow to proceed ahead if any one among the assignee approves the request. In my case…
In OPA when we are migrating application from PCS getting error cannot have multiple start eventSummary: Hi Experts In OPA we are getting error message saying that we can have only 1 start event. In PCS we used to have multiple start event like form and message, is…
While creating type in OPA using connector (integration) response structure issueSummary: Hi Experts We are trying to create type in OPA (oracle process automation) but while trying to access the integration (connector) response message format we are…
Wait activity in processes (PCS)Summary: Hi Experts I want to add wait activity in process flow i.e. when process is initiated I want to wait for 1 minutes before it proceeds ahead and assigns the task…
Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP WebserviceSummary: Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, We would like to know how the Availa…
Is it possible to have dynamic routing in Oracle PCS (Process Cloud Service) workflowsSummary: Is it possible to have dynamic routing in Oracle PCS (Process Cloud Service) workflows ? We have a requirement to dynamically fetch the approvers and based on w…
Request mor info , Reassign PCS version 3Summary: In oracle PCS version 3 , in case of taking action like request more info or reassign , how to get who will be the assign to take action or provide more info , …
is it possible to trigger App driven integration while clicking on the EndPoint URlSummary: I want to Give the End Point URl In the Fusion So when clicking on the Endpoint URL the app driven integration needs to trigger and in that integration i have c…
How to select or edit CSS Style sheet in oracle integration cloud 3 for PCS web formSummary: I need to add styles using CSS in PCS web form but i didn't find any place to edit it for CSS , please advise . Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
How to invoke a custom Process Cloud Service" custom flow while submitting a requisition for approvaSummary: How to invoke a custom Process Cloud Service" custom flow while submitting a requisition for approval ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
How to get status of approver if i have 3 approvers for human taskSummary: Hi Experts I'm using OIC gen 3 Process automation, In my process i have added human task with 3 approvers to take action in sequence in same human task, here my…
how to make table scrollable in UI web form in oracle process automation version 3Summary: Hi Friends , I have drawn a table in my UI form in the PCS version 3 , but the table have multiple columns , I need to make the table scrollable so that the use…
I want to get list of OPA tasks on behalf of a user who is accessing my VBCS page using OPA REST APISummary: Hi Experts I have created a page with which users can check the list of tasks assigned to them but the problem here is the authentication method for OPA REST AP…
How to assign approvers to human task using expression in OPASummary: Hi Experts Like we had option in PCS in gen2 do we have option to assign approvers based on expression in OPA? like suppose we have approver list in a variable …
OPA REST API to upload document to task is returning 403 errorSummary: Hi Experts I'm using upload document to OPA task using vbcs but when I'm testing i'm getting 403 error any suggestion here please, working fine with same reques…