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Can I specifiy fields of great grand child items-group with fields parameter ?
When specify fields of great grand child items-group with fields parameter, cannot get the expected results.
Content (required):
Would like to get the values for fields of great grand child items-group such as educationSections (child) > educationItems (grand child) > educationItemsDFF (great grand child) > add10 (field) for talentPersonProfiles.
Case 1. fields=educationSections.educationItems.educationItemsDFF:add10
Get the following error.
"URL request parameter fields with value educationSections.educationItems.educationItemsDFF:add10 is not valid."
Case 2. fields=educationSections.educationItems:educationItemsDFF:add10
Not only add10, all items under educationItemsDFF returned.
Same result with fields=educationSections.educationItems:educationItemsDFF
Would you please help me get specified fields only in rest api request URL ?