Category 415
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Contract ExtensionSummary: Dear Team, I want to do contract extension using Worker REST API. I want client to use person number to get the required details and then using Worker REST API …
How can we add a skill to a job profile using HCM Rest APISummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How can the HCM-Rest-Api be Audited and where is it storedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Create Worker Person EFF using HCM Rest APISummary: Unable to create worker Person EFF using HCM Rest API, throwing below error message "You must define the context Employee Creation Form as a single row. (FND-28…
how to modify text in the corrective action under additional person infoSummary: how to modify text in the corrective action under additional person info. i want to change the below yellow marked text how to do that? please help Content (ple…
Department details not in recruitingCEJobRequisitionDetails APISummary: When we view requisitions on the external careers site, the "recruitingCEJobRequisitionDetails" API doesn't have many fields returning null values(eg Department…
Rest Api to submt job application in career siteHello, community, I want the REST API that are responsible for applying or submitting a job application on the career site.
getting error Applying List binding LOV_ManagerAssignmentNumber with given set of values leads to noSummary: Hi Team, while calling workes api hcmRestApi/resources/ am i getting below error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Help with Transfer a Payroll (transferpayroll) REST APISummary: I'm trying to use the transferpayroll REST API endpoint ( media type: application/ from the Oracle HCM Cloud However, I'm encounterin…
Download Offer Letter in PDF formatWe are using the documentation provided at the below link to download the offer letter generated by the system in PDF format:…
How to test/view Atom feeds are working ?Summary: Hi There, Hope you are good! We have turned on Atom feeds for 'Person Terminated' and Employee Feed>Other Events >Check boxed Trigger on termination event in or…
Timecard failed to transfer to payroll because it already exists in payrollSummary: Hello I am getting an error for a time card when transferring to payroll. Has anyone else seen this issue and been able to resolve it? Error: You can't create t…
Need JSON format for rollback submit flowPOST API: https://.com/hcmRestApi/resources/******/action/submitFlowFlow ID:300000000******BaseFlowName:ROLLBACK_PAYROLL_PROCESS I'm tr…
Custom Balance Group not extracting any dataSummary: I have created a HCM extract and Trying to pull balance information by attaching a balance group usage. Once the extract is run, its not returning any data from…
HDL for updating usernameSummary: Need HDL syntax for updating username Content (required): What is the HCM Data Loader syntax for updating the username of an existing person record ? Also, is t…
3rd Party Background check resultsHello everyone, I'm in the implementation phase on a customer who would like to know where the background checks results coming from a 3rd party vendor would be stored ?…Alexandra Teican 23 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Alexandra Teican Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Do we have any REST/SOAP APIs to create JOB in Oracle Fusion?Summary We are planning to automate the JOB creation process. We tried to find a way to create the Job using an Integration just before creating the employee. I couldn't…
How do we update (patch) the candidate extra info?Summary: I have looked through the latest documentation and found this REST API: /hcmRestApi/resources/{recruitingCandida…
Iterate Assignment History based on Effective start date and maximum of effective sequenceSummary: Hi All, I have a requirement to iterate the assignment history records for an employee and I am able to use to DBI to get the iteration list for the assignment …
Error while loading HDL file to correct EFF using location.dat fileSummary: Error when trying to load the location.dat file to correct the NAICS number under US tax reporting information Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
'Get All Job Valid Grades' HCM API doesn't return GradeName or GradeCodeWhen using the following REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM: REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Get all job valid grades The API doesn't return GradeName or GradeC…
Oracle recruiting cloud APIs to get job application and update state of job applicationHello, I am looking for an Oracle recruiting cloud API to update state of the job application.Please share the details if you have worked on such requirement. Also, I am…Taruna Sharma 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
Creating new Work shifts, Patterns and schedules in Oracle HCMHi team, We have a requirement of creating new Work Shifts, Patterns and Work schedules in Oracle HCM using REST API Service. Below are the REST API for Oracle Supply Ch…
OIC Integration call from HCM CloudSummary: Call OIC Integration form Oracle HCM Cloud Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created one lookback integration using OIC. In…
Is it possible to make an existing person emergency contact of another one via REST API?Summary: Form UI is possible to select an existing person as a contact of another one. See below: Is it possbile to do the same via REST API? Regards Massimo
Privilege to search employee using VBCS templateWe're using a VBCS Template to create requisition. And on requisition line, we need to provide the "Requester Email", and we used the "Get all employees" API to get the …
REST API to create and update contact relationshipSummary: How to create a contact relationship with REST API? Is this the correct API end point? /hcmRestApi/resources/latest/hcmContacts Content (please ensure you mask …
Ausencias Notificación customSummary: Custom notification, once the vacation is approved, it is intended that a notification will arrive that indicates the employee to go to HR to complete the proce…
Performance and Goals commentsSummary: We'd like to retrieve via REST API the comments entered by the relevant goals and performance stakeholders, involved in the talent process. Content (please ensu…
Alert composer Worker API Worklist not workingHello, Even I have the requirement. In our older alerts EMPs API was used. Now we are migrating to WORKERs API. In Message recipients list We have opted for Worklist to …Challa Ramya-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management