Category 415
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addresses REST API not defaulting City and State based on ZIP CodeTill 24C release we were able to create address for a person using the payload shown below: URL: /hcmRestApi/resources/{workersUniqID}/child/addresse…
Which role I need to use "Get all employees" HCM rest api?I need to get all employees of the company with this rest API: REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Get all employees BUT the response says "403 Forbidden", maybe I ne…
How can we get the details of User Account in the response of Workers HCM Rest API?Summary: In HCM rest API an user account details are available with the below call:…
How to bypass HCM login page when Chooser Login Page is activeSummary: Hello, The customer was using Oracle HCM Cloud just for internal users who were able to log into the application via Single Sign On. However, they now have open…Antonio VQ 64 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Pavan Kumar Thummalapalli Human Capital Management
Where to setup OrgCode field?Summary: GET /hcmRestApi/resources/{organizationsUniqID} response shows OrgCode, I want to use it. Where can I populate it? Content (please ens…
USE REDWOOD PAGES FOR HCM DATA ROLES AND SECURITY PROFILES feature mandatory or optional in 24C?Summary: As with redwood adoption the applications security pages for data roles and security profiles are mandatory or optional? if mandatory by when we can move to Red…Pragya Saxena 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Monica Boita-Oracle Human Capital Management
Enter Candidate education info DFF attributes in Rest APIWe're integrating Recruiting with a 3rd party system. The candidate records and the profile details will be created using the Rest API. Candidate records and the educati…
How to update a worker emails and username ?Summary: We are trying to update workers emails and username from the worker API. C…
Is there any REST API for creating a change salary for an Employee in Oracle Fusion HCM?Summary: In my project one of requirement is to create the salary details in Change salary section for an employee in Oracle Fusion HCM through OIC integration. But ther…
403 Forbidden for OrganizationsSummary: I am trying to retrieve all organizations (and workers, but that part is working). I keep getting a 403 Forbidden when calling "/hcmRestApi/resources/…
What is the REST API to get States in Oracle FusionWhat is the Rest API to get States in Oracle Fusion. We wanted a similar API like Countries given below : /hcmRestApi/resources/ Please let us…
What privileges are required to query /hcmRestApi/atomservlet/user/userRequests atom feed?This REST endpoint's documentation is at:
REST API - Read Only privileges but data can still be updated - Worker and AssignmentSummary: We need a role that meets the following requirments: Allow update of Username and primary email address Allow update of a specific Person Extensible Information…
Accessing DFF Context Setup Information via RESTSummary: REST API endpoint for accessing DFF - Context - Context Sensitive Segment setup Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts :) …
Single Sign-on Authentication using REST APISummary: Single Sign-on Authentication using REST API Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if appli…
Rest API to create attachment in Recruiting Job RequisitionSummary: We would like to know how to use the REST API /hcmRestApi/resources/{recruitingJobRequisitionsUniqID}/child/attachments ca…
Create JobSummary: I am creating Job using REST API in Fusion. I noticed that there is no direct REST API and only process is via HCM Data Loader. I could upload the file using be…
Syntax to add an existing user to a user categorySummary: HDL syntax to update the user category of an existing user Content (required): The user is already created with Default user category. A user category USER_CAT …
REST API to create Non worker with Not Managed by HR Person TypeSummary: We have requirement to create Non Worker with System Person Type = Not Managed By HR. When pass System Person Type in payload, we are getting error that System …
REST API for Terminate HCM Pending transactionHello, Do we have a REST APi available to terminate an HCM pending transactions (see file attached) ? We want to "kill" pending transactions before importing HDL file. T…
How to set api call for future hire employee ?Summary: We have no problem to retrieve employees through the following get api, but not future dated employees. please advise. hcmRestApi/resources/…
HDL/HSDL file to Update employees work email in bulkSummary: update employees work email in bulk Content (required): I need to update work email of emolyees in bulk, what is the best way and HDL/HSDL file for updation Ver…
HDL run automation and extract success and failure recordsWe are planning to run HDL process (like submitted it in cloud) with the SOA process and also want to have the extract/email summary of the successful records and failur…
Fusion HCM REST API: How to Query TerminationDate is nullSummary: This is a continuation of SR 3-38568214561 : Worker REST API - PeriodOfServiceId not Ordered in Sequence; Not able to Pick the Latest Below URL is not fetching …
How to add or Define reporting Establishment in core HRSummary: When Employee report an incident in Workplace Health and Safety Incident Page, there is location to be selected on incident page. Those location as reported as …
Is it possible to create Absence Balance using Rest API?The scenario in our customer is as follows; absence balance information of some employees is calculated external to Oracle. These balances need to be updated periodicall…
Need an API from Fusion to get holiday calendar for employeeDear Experts, Pls confirm on Priority if any API available to get below. 1. To get the holiday calendar for employee and holiday calendar state wise report APIs. Kindy c…
How to get past 403 error when calling GetAllUserAccounts SCIM API?Summary: I am getting a 403 error when calling the GetUsers SCIM API.…
Why is my HDL Imported file not available on the content server?Summary: Not able to find the HDL file on the content server after loading that file via import in data exchange. Where is it? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
I want to use REST APIs to create special project items in HCMif I use /hcmRestApi/resources/{talentPersonProfilesUniqID}/child/specialProjectSections/{ProfileSectionId1}/child/specialProjectItems/{…