Category 415
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Rest api throwing ClassCastException error for location creationSummary: We are trying to create a location using below hcm api: Method: Post All the required privileges are provided and get is working. While creating using post meth…
Workers object not returned in /describe endpoint response, although /workers/describe endpoint workI am trying to get all the objects supported by a user with /describe endpoint and getting the metadata individually for each object. However, the /describe endpoint giv…
Actions after Integration of Oracle Learning with Microsoft TeamsSummary: Actions after Integration of Oracle Learning with Microsoft Teams Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, (Step 1) We made the…
ERP - HCM data exchangeSummary: Which data to exchange between ERP and HCM if there are in different tenants/instances Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our org. h…
Delivery to SFTP completed with failureThis morning a job that send a file via SFTP was not able to send the file, due to the following error: Delivery failed. [INSTANCE_ID=bip.bi_serverHA] [OUTPUT_ID=275301]…Gian Luca Triglia 148 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Angel Jimenez-Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Fusion Service
WorkersUnique ID in the Worker REST API responseSummary: On the worker rest API response, there is a workers unique id in all the child reference. 1) Is the unique id always same for one Person ID? 2) We are building …
Need APIs for comments added while creating a pending worker, and for working hours of each day.Summary: We need these two APIs:- To fetch comments added while creating a pending worker. For working hours of each day. If you have information about this than please …Shubham Prajapat 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
How can we use email for Cloud Learn and MS Teams integration?Summary: We have successfully validated and connected Oracle Cloud Learn and Microsoft Teams/Calendar. We also want to be able to allow instructors to give credit for at…
RESTAPI for fetching list of approval pending and Business proces notificationRESTAPI for fetching a list of approval pending and Business process notification: Please share the RESTAPI endpoint names.
What business objects are available in remove person information?Summary: Business objects available in Remove Person Information and can flexfields for these business objects be removed as well Content (required): What specific busin…
Configure Approval for Person Identifiers for External Applications based on Identifier TypeSummary: Hi Everyone, Is there a way to Configure Approval for Person Identifiers for External Applications based on Identifier Type. For Example : If user selects Ident…
Download BI Publisher report via APISummary: Download BI Publisher report via API Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to download the following report via REST API: ht…
Oracle HCM Technical Certification - Idea SubmittedSummary: Currently, there is no specific Oracle certification which can help to evaluate the consultants working on HCM tech space. There are lots of Functional certific…
while loading hdl as Participant Enrollment for Person getting errorSummary: while loading hdl as Participant Enrollment for Person getting error as 'the message is unable to find a started life event'
Rest API - How to Update Worker Assignment including EFF or DFFIn the Oracle documentation on page:…
Approved timecard filter in OTL HCM EXTRACTSummary: We have created an HCM Extract for changes only timecard which is working correctly. Only issue is i want to filter only those timecards that have been approved…
add primary key of the PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M in ATOM Feed empassignmentSummary: in empassignment atom feed, in case there are multiple update / correct to an assignment on the same day, it's impossible to understand which is the assignment …Alberto Boccato 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
How does managing an atom feed work?Summary: Hello everyone, we are using Atom Feeds to provide necessary information to Active Directory and in this way detect the accounts that should be unlinked, but we…
WORKERS REST API how to pass ParametersHello, We have recently implemented the ServiceNow HRSD module. We are invoking "/hcmRestApi/resources/" API from SNOW to sync our employee informatio…
Primary City/County while loading address - Vertex CodeSummary: Need a way to identify primary city/primary county for given Zip code Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We receive City and Zip cod…
convert candidate into pending worker using hdlSummary: We need to covert external candidates into Pending Workers using HDL. Do we need to include Worker and PersonName metadata? Loading without these giving error s…
Privilege/Role to view work schedule patterns,schedules and shifts through REST APISummary: Hi, We want to integrate our HCM with third party system and we need to provide read only access to work schedule patterns,schedules and shifts through REST API…
HDL - Change Assignements and Change Manager for one employee on the same fileHi, Is it possible with HDL and in the same Worker.dat file to change the assignment and the manager ? ex : employee 0001 has a new assignment and a new manager the same…
OIC Integration call from HCM CloudSummary: Call OIC Integration form Oracle HCM Cloud Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created one lookback integration using OIC. In…
Work at Home Flag Functionality and its impact in FusionSummary: Hi All, We want to understand the purpose of work at home flag and its functionality in Fusion. It would be great if anyone has any documentation on this Conten…
How to Extract Benefits Enrollments Data for Terminated Employees or De-enrolled DependentsSummary: How to Extract Benefits Enrollments Data for Terminated Employees or De-enrolled Dependents in Changes only File Our file is changes only and runs bi-weekly, wh…
Currency Conversion Rate for HCM CloudSummary: Our client doesn't have license for ERP (GL) & Payroll module. Can we still load currency rate using steps specified in document Load Currency Rates To Oracle F…Seema Kalantri 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Display Future date in AlertsSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to display future date in alerts. For example if employees probation period is going to end on 24th September, manager should take…L.G.M Manikanta 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle HCM REST APIs
Bip Query to fetch critical skillsSummary: Hi can anyone please share the query for critical skills under talent profiles Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include t…
REST API to get the current user roles and person idSummary: Dear all, I would like to know if there is a REST API that, called by a given user, returns all the roles associated to the user and the person id (if any). Cou…