Upgrade strategy/experience OIC Gen-2 to Gen-3
I am curious what your upgrade strategy/experience is from OIC Gen-2 to Gen-3.
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We are use OIC Gen-2 to build our integrations in, we have many. I understood from Oracle Consulting that mid 2024 we must migrate to Gen-3.
In Doc ID 2962301.1 it mentions the following about the OIC Gen-2 end date: There is no specific date at this time. We are working on getting all our customers upgraded to OIC3 by calendar year mid-2024. As long as we have customers on Gen2 they will be supported.
Although I think that OIC Gen-2 will be supported, I doubt we can still deploy it from the OCI portal from mid 2024. So, I am looking for migration strategies. In my view, there are two: