DISCONTINUATION DATE generating stat forecast for last month of plan horizon
Stat forecast is generated for items with Discontinuation date
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We are running the Stat forecast engine monthly using 2 profiles with 2 different forecasting trees. We have been told this is causing the issue we see in PROD that the Discontinuation date is not considered in the last month of our time fence. We are running Stat forecast for 24 months. So when I run our plan today, every item with an Discontinuation date will have a Stat forecast generated in September 2025.
The workaround is to run the 2 Profile in order and not at once or to align the forecasting trees. We will be running in sequence going forward but our concern for the future is that we might expand our Business and this will create the need to create more Profiles and more Forecasting Trees. We need to align to different data models and business scenarios. Aligning the forecasting trees is not an option for us but we also don’t want ending up running the Plan like 5 times separately