HCM Extract attribute back end Query
Hi All,
We need your help in finding out the Actual query being used in the back end of Attribute in HCM Extract.
We built a HCM Extract with data group using the user entity "PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_NOW_FUTURE_UE"
we used data item group "Person Date of Death" and we need find out the actual query behind the scene that is getting executed when HCM extract is run.
In the back end tables I am able to trace it till the Data group id "100000000080938" which is "Person Date of Death" and when I queried for actual DBI for this field then I am getting two DBI names "PER_PER_DATE_OF_DEATH" and "PER_ASG_DATE_OF_DEATH". I am trying to find which one is the actual one that gets executed in the back end when extract is run