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How to call a web service in BIP SQL queryI have implemented a web service call in Oracle Fusion. Is there any way we can invoke the web service within an SQL data model in BIPHarikumar S - NetApp 19 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Harikumar S - NetApp BI Publisher Learning Center
schedule or live execution discriminatingHi I want to ask you if there's a way in BI to discriminate if the execution of the report is live or scheduled? i would like to variate the template layout based on the…
How can we find out if there has been a recent change to Oracle ISP geolocation reporting?Summary: We're having new difficulties since about 1/25/2025 with the reported geolocation of an Oracle IP address used to deliver reports. Can we find out if there has …
How to make US1099 report to be emailed to Vendor?Is there a way to email US 1099 to the email addresses on file? User has run this in excel and .pdf - just need to know how to distribute by email to the vendor to the a…
Need to schedule BICC jobs every 5-10 minsWe need to schedule BICC jobs to run every 5-10 minutes. Is it feasible to schedule these jobs through a web service or user interface?
Table that stores the file contents of an attachmentHello, We need a table that stores the base64 format of the attachment uploaded in a work order or if there is any table that stores the binary format of the file conten…
Need to know which bi reports are being run by a user in a monthly basis and how oftenWe need to know which bi reports are being ran by a user in a monthly basis. Here the challenging thing is report ran might be scheduled or adhoc (ran directly) , we nee…
How to remove new Line from a clob column?Hello experts, I am trying to write a report which includes a CLOB column. But in the table there's blank line in every row, and getting an issue in excel output where t…
BI report scheduled jobs are skipping though the trigger is returning recordsBI report scheduled jobs are skipping though the trigger is returning records.Swapna Rachamalla 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Swapna Rachamalla BI Publisher Learning Center
How do you write a query for standard working hours in BIP?I need to get the standard working hours for employees into my query. I can see the standard working hours work is worked out in the following order : 'Standard Working …
Sql query to get payroll process name Under a batch Name /Instance nameHi , I am looking for SQL table to get payroll process name currently i can get batchname/Instance name via below query : SELECT pfi.instance_name FROM pay_flows pf,pay_…Surbhigupta_88-Oracle 173 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_ADBMS BI Publisher Learning Center
BI multivalue filter with bad performanceHello, We are tuning a query and see that the performance issue was in the multivalue filters. We are filtering invoices with the Code combinations table and filtering d…
RTFtemplate sorting data is there any limitWe want to sort the data in alphabetical order for “Payment Process request status report”. This is the seeded report provided by oracle when PPR is ran. Seeded report i…SivaRamaKrishna-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by MiaM-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
can we add columns with name spaces while creating an eText format of the BI publisher report?We have requirements to create and extract CSV files for another system as integration. The requirement was to have column names with space (e.g. First Name). We have do…
EDI Transactions Each Day, Total for AP Checks and Total Funding Required for Paymode ReportTrying to Create a Report Current Reporting Tools: They currently don’t pull reports from the HOST system but use IBM Document Direct linked to HOST activities. Identify…
BI Publisher not working in MS Word, and how can I fix it?I downloaded BI Publisher to work on an RTF template, but every time I try to open MS Word, it crashes and becomes unresponsive. The issue resolves only when I remove th…Omran Zeaiter 218 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Chris Pomager-27736 BI Publisher Learning Center
HCM Tables which store BIP/OTBI Scheduled Report email recipientHi Team - We've requirement to list down all the BIP & OTBI reports which are scheduled along with their email recipient details. (some notification could be dynamic bas…
Calling OIC Integrations from Oracle SaaS BIP is Deprecated or not?Currently we have reports Calling OIC Integrations from Oracle SaaS BIP but as per oracle documentation, this service is deprecated. Calling an ICS/OIC service from BI P…
How can I give managers easy access to BI and OTBI reports that are already written?We have a number of BI reports and OTBI analyses already created that would be useful to our managers. However, it is a daunting task for managers to navigate into the r…
which tables stores interview evaluation feedbackHi Team, May I know which tables stores interview evaluation feedback ? If possible can I get a snippet of SQL code ? Regards, Harish
Reports to get Service Usage in fusion HCMWe need reports for below: 1) Anonymized Authorized User Names by Service Details 2) Authorized User Names by Service 3) Authorized User Privileges by Service 4) Authori…
What values should be provided to lexical parameters for seeded BIP data model?I am working on the SQL query for Oracle Seeded Data Model - Transactions Print Data Model for Invoice Print Template report, where it shows some lexical parameters and …Kratika Sharma 86 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran G BI Publisher Learning Center
Seeded Function PER_AVAILABILITY_DETAILS.GET_AVAILABILITY_DETAILS takes longer to run in BI ReportThe function takes longer time to run in BI report and gives time out errors out when run in Adhoc. Since we are placing this report in dashboard as a link to BI, the re…
Why does the query in the dataset take an extended time to process?I have a query that typically takes around 2 minutes to process and returns the expected output. However, after adding a small condition to exclude a specific value, the…
want to report on specific components of learning initiativeswant to report on specific components of learning initiatives. I've attached a screenshot of the various ways you can select learners when building a learning initiative…
Pivot balance rolling basis calculated using rtf template in BI reportHi, I hope this email finds you well. I facing some issue from balance logics in rtf layout, Also, balance is equal to (On-hand + current commit – demand qty) on a rolli…
Learning DashboardDoes anyone have a template for Learning Dashboards in OTBI?
can we use the regexp_replace function in a xsl bi publisher template?I'm trying to use the regexp_replace function in my xsl template to replace special characters and I receive an error. Is the regexp_replace supported by the xsl templat…
How to remove decimal value in BAR CHART - RTF Template - BIP Report?Decimal value is displayed in the Bar chart of RTF Template - BI Report. How to remove decimal values in the chart?SARAVANA KUMAR T-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by SARAVANA KUMAR T-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Is There an way to Default BI report Text parameter to logged in user person id like in Date typeIs There an way to Default BI report parameter to logged in user person id like we default System data in Date type parameter {$SYSDATE()$}. We have a Text parameter whi…