Create Order Not Showing Correct On-Hand Inventory.
We have 2 Bussiness unit UTA/UTI.
The Organizational chart below:
1. Business Unit UTA, Inv Org UTA
2. Business Unit UTI, Inv Org UTI
And UTA has an issue that when they create SO, the item On Hand column states show "No data was received", but there are also times where parts will be marked as "Out of Stock" when UTA do have inventory.
And I referred to Doc ID 2207175.1 I think that it should be the sourcing rule problem:
1. We have an souring rule (global) which just transfer from UTI(100 allocation% and Rank1) and I did some test.
If item **** is assigned to UTA and without UTI, when UTA create sales order, the msg will show No data was received.