Smart Tip to appear when a checkbox is true
Smart Tip appear when a checkbox is true
In the absence screen, when the 'open ended' checkbox is true for certain absence types, I'd like it a smart tip to show up. I have tried the below settings and it still isn't working as expected.
Activation Settings - Ticked 'skip if element not found or conditions not met'
The conditions are:
When page has form field - checkbox
|OFS|{"viewId":"/ManageAbsenceDetailsFlow/ManageAbsenceDetails";"id":"oEdGChk";"type":"oracle.adf.RichSelectBooleanCheckbox"} >> input
I do have another additional conditional rule that the smart tip will only show when form field drop down = Sickness. This condition works on other smart tips so Im not worried particularly about this one, but for completeness I have mentioned it here. I have also ensured that in the console that 'Display guide in autoload always' is selected