Auto Transfer order or Auto interorganizational transfer for work order ingredients items
We have a requirement for our operations. We have identified the need to optimize the process of transferring materials between different inventory organizations. This necessity arises from the creation of open work orders dedicated to the production of specific finished goods. These work orders demand specific ingredients, which are already available in our store inventory. To streamline operations,we would like to know if we have any solution of automated system for transferring these required materials from the store inventory to the designated manufacturing inventory.
These transferred stocks will then be utilized in the production of the final products.
Currently, our options for conducting these transfers include manual inter-organization transfers or initiating transfer orders between these two organizations, from the store to the manufacturing entities. However, we believe there is significant room for improvement. Rather than relying on manual interventions, the system should autonomously generate these transfer orders or, ideally, conduct the transfers automatically based on my demand of work orders.