Oracle ERP Cloud FBDI import changing the dates after import
I have used the Transaction On date in the Sales Order Import file as "25-SEP-2023 00:00:00" in FBDI but after import date is changing to "24-Sep-2023 8:00 PM" in the Oracle ERP front end. Importing the FBDI file using OIC and used below XSLT function and seems this date conversion is not helping much in OIC to get the exact date to Oracle ERP Fusion cloud
xp20:format-dateTime ($ReadFBDIOrdHDrRec/nsmpr0:ReadFBDIOrdHDrRecOutputCollection/nsmpr0:ReadFBDIOrdHDrRecOutput/nsmpr0:TRANSACTION_ON, "[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01] [H01]:[m01]:[s01]" )