We need a custom role to access the manage inbound shipments, Create shipping Tracking, Create ASBN.
Hi Team,
Here, we have a requirement that the user only have access to Manage Inbound Shipments, Create Shipping Tracking, Create ASBN, Upload ASN or ASBN Tasks from the receipt work area.
We have created a custom role with the below privileges:
Manage Inbound Shipment
Create Advance Shipment Billing Notice
Create Advance Shipment Notice
Upload Advance Shipment Notice or Advance Shipment Billing Notice
Data security policies are:
Collaboration Document Header for Table CMK_COLLAB_DOCS_B : Read; Update; Delete; Manage Collaboration Document;
Inventory Organization : Manage Inbound Shipment;
Inventory Organization : Manage Inbound Shipment;
We have provided data access to the user with the above custom role.