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Create ASN via CMK with Supplier Site provided in the input payload.

edited Oct 31, 2023 11:49AM in Inventory Management 4 comments


Create ASN via CMK with Supplier Site provided in the input payload.

In case of ASN Inbound via CMK, we get an option to fetch Supplier site from PO via 'Retrieve Supplier Site from PO' setup.

But we've a use case to get Supplier Site from the Inbound payload and not from the site that's specified on the PO. And, at the Supplier level we'll be configuring more than one Sites for B2B ,so the Inbound paylod will drive which site to pick.

I've tried creating ASN after unchecking the above option, still the ASN got created without any issues(still took it from PO).

Howdy, Stranger!

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