Not able to pass "Retain Other External Forecast Designators" parameter
Hi all,
In Oracle Fusion Cloud, we are trying to import the Supply Chain Planning-Planned Order data with Import Process: Load Planning Data from Flat Files using ScpErpIntegrationServiceParams.csv parameter file. But, using this file, we can pass only 3 parameters - Source System = 'OPS', Collection Type = 1(Targeted) and Org_Group = null.
Also, by doing this all the Planned Orders in the system will get replaced with the new data imported.
Our requirement is to pass use Collection Type = 1 along with "Retain Other External Forecast Designators" parameter = 'Yes' to replace only a particular Forecast Designator and retain all the others.
Could someone please help us if there is any way to pass "Retain Other External Forecast Designators" = 'Yes'?