Please acknowledge on how to create Receipt of Purchase Order with DFF values in request payload.
We are giving transaction DFF values in request payload of rest api - "/receivingReceiptRequests", we are facing in response that states - "Invalid attribute newseg in payload."
While removing "newseg" and "newctxseg "fields in payload, in given payload , still faces error states that - "unable to parse payload. "
Request Payload :-
{ "ReceiptSourceCode": "VENDOR",
"OrganizationCode": "JLM",
"VendorName": "A J Corporation",
"VendorSiteCode": "HQ Dammam",
"BusinessUnit": "Ma'aden Phosphate Company",
"lines": [
"ReceiptSourceCode": "VENDOR",
"SourceDocumentCode": "PO",
"TransactionType": "RECEIVE",
"AutoTransactCode": "RECEIVE",
"OrganizationCode": "JLM",
"DocumentNumber": "5002219423",
"DocumentLineNumber": 1,
"ItemNumber": "ITEM1",
"Quantity": 1,
"UnitOfMeasure": "Each",
"SoldtoLegalEntity": "Saudi Arabian Mining Company",
"transactionDFF": [
"newseg": "XXIBLPN",
"__FLEX_Context": "WMS_IBLPN",
"newctxseg": "XXIBLPN"
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):