sum function with big decimals numbers
We have a validation in gl rates Integration for checksum of all the rates in the source file.
But since gl rates have longer decimal values upto 40 decimals.
Sum function in OIC is not able to calculate it accurately.
We tried using format-number function as well as javascript to format it upto 10 decimals.
Its working in some cases but not in all cases.
For example:
checksum in file : 1634665.76687922166418017961359044899709
While calculating sum of all rates in file using below functions:
1. format-number -> fn:format-number(sum($ReadFile/ns19:ReadResponse/ns17:request-wrapper/ns17:rates/ns17:buy_rate) , "0.0000000000" )
2. Javascript -> parseFloat(buyRateAsString).toFixed(10)